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Welcome Back Students & Parents!  

Please follow and complete the steps below to ensure your child is ready for back to school.  If you have any questions, please call the office at 320-852-7181.

Confirm Your Student(s) Enrollment

*Important Once logged in, click on the online registration link in the upper right corner


ParentVue Re-Enrollment
Log into ParentVue to electronically complete your back to school forms. (Once logged in, click on the online registration link in the upper right corner).

Chromebook Insurance Choice

Purchase Optional Chromebook Insurance
Purchase Optional Individual Chromebook Insurance Here
$50.00 Purchase Your Optional Chromebook Insurance for your Student in grades 4-12.

Purchase Optional Chromebook Insurance
Decline Optional Chromebook Insurance
$0.00 Decline the Purchase of Optional Chromebook Insurance and Electronically Sign Chromebook Forms

Optional - Kindergarten Milk Program

Check out your School Supplies List

 Print School Supplies List

See "What's For Lunch?"

 Lunch Menus